Hey guys! Hope y’all are doing well! I want to give y'all a little quick rundown of what we’re doing today. I’ve had a few guys asking how we are stretching wire. Just going to let y’all see here what we have going on. Robbie, he’s here stripping some wire, getting ready to terminate this. We have our West Ender Strainer Board set up here, pulling to our corner. What we have done is we’ve again leapfrogged this wire. We started out there at that corner tied on, came to here, leapfrogged it to here, & come around our corner post here; everything looking nice & neat coming around it. We tried to hook this board as close to here as we can that way, we don’t have a lot of travel in our wire coming around this corner, so all these stays don’t move on us; they all stay good & straight... Like I say that’s what we’re using to stretch our wire with. These are West Ender Wireman Strainer Boards! Hope that gives you guys an idea of what we are doing, on this project anyway. Not every one’s the same, but this is what we got going on today! You guys have a good one!